Deciding to quit drinking is a brave step towards a better life. However, the process of detoxing from alcohol is not easy. It can be a daunting and challenging experience filled with anxiety, physical discomfort, and intense cravings.
Moreover, the withdrawal symptoms you may experience during alcohol detox can be dangerous and even life-threatening in some cases. This blog post will discuss what to expect during alcohol withdrawal.
At Genesis, we believe in compassionate, supportive, and appropriate medical care for those struggling with addiction. We hope this post can be a resource for those who want to quit drinking and seek safe, comfortable detox services.
What Is Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome?
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) is a physical and psychological reaction to suddenly stopping the use of alcohol. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on the amount and duration of alcohol intake and personal factors such as age, gender, genetics, and environment. Mild symptoms typically occur within 8 hours after anesthesia or the last drink.
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can include:
- Tremors
- Anxiety
- Nausea and vomiting
- Seizures
- Sweating
- High blood pressure
- Racing heart rate
- Delirium tremens or DTs – a severe form of alcohol withdrawal
Professional medical and detoxification treatment is the only safe way to manage AWS, as severe withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening. Treatment for AWS typically includes a medical evaluation, medications such as benzodiazepines or anticonvulsants, and supportive therapies such as nutrition counseling and group therapy.
What Is the Science Behind Alcohol Withdrawals?
Alcohol withdrawals can range in severity and cause various symptoms. But what is the science behind alcohol withdrawals?
When someone regularly consumes alcohol over time, their body becomes used to its presence and depends on it. When alcohol is suddenly discontinued, the body reacts by trying to restore balance, resulting in withdrawal symptoms.
Neurotransmitters are chemicals released in the brain that act as messengers between nerve cells, helping regulate learning, movement, emotion, sleep patterns, and appetite. Alcohol has been found to affect several neurotransmitter systems resulting in imbalances when it is removed.
The nervous system also responds to alcohol withdrawal by releasing hormones that can trigger the body’s “fight-or-flight” response. This reaction usually includes an increase in heart rate, sweating, and nausea, as well as other physical symptoms.
Alcohol withdrawal can be very uncomfortable and even dangerous if not managed properly. It is essential to know the science behind alcohol withdrawal to manage its effects best and seek the necessary support for recovery. With proper care, individuals can safely navigate alcohol withdrawal and walk towards a positive recovery journey.
How Does One Do Alcohol Detox at Home?
Detoxing from alcohol at home can be extremely dangerous and should only be done under medical supervision. The withdrawal symptoms of alcohol, such as shaking, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, and seizures, can put your health at risk if you don’t have the proper medical support.
Professional medical detox programs provide a safe environment with 24-hour monitoring and care from experienced medical professionals so that you can safely and comfortably detox. If you are considering alcohol detox at home, speaking with a healthcare provider beforehand is vital to ensure your safety.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to alcohol detoxification, as everyone’s needs differ. For some people, the best plan may be to detox in a residential treatment center or an outpatient program, while others may prefer to do it independently at home. It is crucial to speak with a healthcare provider about the risks and benefits of each option so that you can make an informed decision.
Regardless of your route, remember that professional help is always available if needed. With the proper medical support and guidance, you can safely and comfortably detox from alcohol.
What Is the Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline?
The alcohol withdrawal timeline can vary from person to person. The severity and duration of symptoms depend on the individual’s drinking patterns and overall health.
Here’s a general timeline of alcohol withdrawal:
Stage 1: Within a few hours after the last drink, you may experience mild symptoms such as trembling, headache, and anxiety.
Stage 2: Within 24-48 hours, symptoms may worsen, leading to seizures, hallucinations, and severe confusion. This stage is known as delirium tremens or DT, a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment.
Stage 3: After 72 hours, symptoms begin to subside, and you may start feeling better. However, some people may experience post-acute withdrawal symptoms (PAWS) such as mood swings, fatigue, and poor concentration for several weeks or months after the detox.
Treatment for Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are best managed in a medical setting. At Genesis, we believe detoxing safely in a supportive, experienced medical environment is the best way to begin the recovery journey. Detoxing at home can be dangerous and increase the risk of severe and potentially life-threatening complications. We offer a range of individualized detox programs with 24-hour medical supervision, which include:
- Residential detox: Our inpatient program provides a safe, comfortable, and supportive environment necessary for a successful detox.
- Outpatient detox: Our outpatient program is ideal for those with mild withdrawal symptoms and a stable support system at home.
Always Seek Professional Help
Individuals can recover from AWS and work towards long-term sobriety with proper treatment. It is essential to seek help if you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of AWS, as the condition can become dangerous without medical intervention.
If you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol use disorder, speak with a healthcare professional about available treatment options. Resources are available to help individuals regain control of their lives and find lasting recovery.
Taking steps towards sobriety can be difficult and intimidating, but with access to proper care and support, people can reclaim their lives from alcohol use disorder. It is never too late to start your journey to recovery—seek help today.
Your Alcohol Withdrawal Journey Begins with Genesis Medical Detox
In conclusion, alcohol withdrawal can be challenging, especially if you try to do it alone. Recognizing the symptoms and timeline of alcohol withdrawal is crucial to ensure a safe and comfortable detox.
At Genesis, we understand the importance of expert care during detox. We offer a supportive and compassionate environment necessary for a successful detox process. Contact us today, and take the first step toward a healthier and happier life.