Montgomery, AL

Medical Detox In Montgomery, AL

If you are somebody who is suffering with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, then entering a rehab facility is an effective and safe choice for working to beat that addiction and return to some semblance of a healthy life.

No matter what your problem substance is, there is a program that can improve your circumstances. This is even more important if your addiction is paired with other problems such as mental health issues. Being able to understand your options is vital, so here is some important information about Genesis Medical Detox programs in Montgomery, AL.

What is Detox in Montgomery, AL?

For a non-addict, detox is the term for the process that the liver undertakes to remove harmful substances from the body. The medical process of detox is more concentrated, not only helping the liver do its job better but also helping an addict give up their alcohol or drugs habit that is causing more problems than just making their liver work harder.

Detox in Montgomery, AL is a very uncomfortable experience both physically and mentally depending on the severity of your substance use and addiction. Genesis Medical Detox programs are designed to help you go through this tough process with the help, guidance and support of professionals.

What Kinds of Programs are there for Alcohol Detox and Drug Detox in Montgomery, AL?

There are various drug rehab programs in Montgomery, but the ones that have demonstrated success repeatedly are 12-step programs and inpatient programs. Both of these types of programs involve initial withdrawal which can make a person ill and uncomfortable. Withdrawal in medical rehab is followed by the employment of several therapeutic methods that help to encourage recovery. Some of these drug rehab and alcohol rehab methods include:

  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Trauma therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy

The cumulative purpose of these kinds of rehab therapies is to re-engineer the way that you think about your addiction and change the ways that you feel towards the substances that you have abused. It will help you to form new, healthy habits that encourage a better lifestyle you feel in control of.

How do Drug and Alcohol Detox Programs in Montgomery, AL Work?

Once the initial hard work of the withdrawal process has been completed at Montgomery Genesis Medical Detox center, you will be an impatient to complete the above mentioned therapies to enable you to return to a home environment and rejoin the community.

This stay will involve a structured and timetabled routine of mealtimes and therapy, as well as special events like guest speakers who can come in to talk to you about their own experiences of beating addiction and returning to a more normal, healthy life. There might also be extra vocational and therapeutic opportunities like music and art.

Purpose of Drug Rehabilitation and Alcohol Rehabilitation in Montgomery, AL

The number one goal of Genesis Medical Detox is to help you withdraw from your addictive substance, help you to relinquish its hold over you and gain a new independence in the form of a sober or drug-free life.

It’s important to note that this journey can look different for each and every patient in Montgomery rehab. This is because the rehab process is tailored to your specific problems and will work on the things that have impacted your life the most, and that will not be the same for every addict in the rehab center.

Along with the mentioned therapies, there will also be opportunities for restorative activities such as yoga, massage, exercise and more practical things like contingency management and relapse risk management.

What are the Benefits of Inpatient Drug Detox and Inpatient Alcohol Detox in Montgomery, AL

There are countless reasons why choosing inpatient rehab at Genesis Medical in Montgomery is the most beneficial option. The biggest advantage is the round the clock care that you will receive under the supervision of professionals, along with the opportunity to meet other addicts going through the process who can provide moral support.

Inpatient programs have been proven to be more successful time and time again, simply because the Montgomery Genesis Medical Detox program is more structured and supervised than if you were trying to kick a drug or alcohol habit at home where you are surrounded by all of the familiar temptations and without the professional support that is needed.

How To Know if Drug and Alcohol Programs are Necessary

There are lots of indications that you might be a candidate for a specialized detox program. The main red flags that most people encounter are things like your drug habit or alcoholism interfering negatively with your work and home life, and not being able to go a single day without partaking of your chosen substance. If you can’t make it a day without using or having a drink, then residential rehab in Montgomery can prove to be beneficial.

If you find that you become uncomfortable in a situation where you know drugs and alcohol are not available, if you are regularly blacking out, or regularly operating a vehicle when you’ve had a drink or a fix, then these are classic signs of an addiction becoming too much to ignore.

Not everybody has a successful time at rehab on their first attempt. It is often the case that a person has to hit rock bottom in the outside world before they become truly receptive to the help that the rehab center can provide.

It’s never too late to start changing your life for the better. The professionals at Genesis Medical Detox Montgomery are here to help. You can contact us here.

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Please complete our Confidential Contact Form below or reach a member of our team by calling admissions: 844-895-0537.

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