Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

201 Avalon Ave

Muscle Shoals, AL 35661

2201 W Lampasas St

Ennis, TX 75119

1265 E College St

Pulaski, TN 38478

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The Importance of Chosen Family in Addiction Recovery

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

If you’re battling addiction, support from others is crucial. But what happens when you don’t have a family or have family members who can’t or won’t help? That’s where finding your own circle of support comes in.    A person’s chosen family is often their support system during times of need. This is especially true […]

Handling Addiction and Depression: Ways to Cope

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

Depression and addiction are both difficult to manage, especially when they are present at the same time. Fortunately, both illnesses can be treated. People with dual illnesses can feel more powerful and engaged in their healing process if they understand the risk factors, symptoms, and treatment options.   At Genesis Medical Detox, we understand both […]

Understanding Addiction

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

An addiction is a long-lasting dysfunction of the brain’s motivational, reward, and memory systems. It has to do with how much a substance or habit your body needs, especially if it causes a compulsive or obsessive drive for a reward or a disregard for the consequences.   Over time, addictions can severely interrupt your day-to-day […]

Steps to Take to Ensure a Successful Recovery

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

The ability to achieve success in long-term addiction treatment requires a range of approaches. Some of the difficulties of long-term healing can be reduced by incorporating these suggestions into daily life.    In the end, recovery is something you must continuously work on, but with the right plan and support system, you can be successful. […]

What Happens During An Alcohol Or Drug Detox?

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

You might have started alcohol or drug consumption out of peer pressure, curiosity, or maybe just for the sake of it. However, by the time you realize ‌it is hazardous, it may have already become an addiction. Addiction is one of the most destructive phases of life. No one should ever get addicted to substance […]

What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol For 6 Months?

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

You might enjoy drinking alcohol during those happy hours or after office hours to release stress. However, you might not know how much it deteriorates your health. Therefore, you should ideally enroll in an alcohol rehab in Tennessee and begin your journey to quit alcohol. Of course, it will not be easy as it sounds, […]

What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage From Alcohol?

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

Liver diseases are life-threatening, and the worst part is that they may often not even show symptoms. However, the most common symptoms are itching, tiredness, lack of drive, and fatigue. On the other hand, some symptoms are prominent, like jaundice, dark urine, pale or light-colored stool, mental confusion, yellowing of the eyes and skin, or […]

What Life Is Post Addiction Recovery?

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

Completing a rehab treatment program is no less than an achievement worth celebrating. However, maintaining long-term sobriety after coming out of alcohol rehab in Tennessee is challenging. Therefore, do not assume that undergoing a treatment program can fix your drug or alcohol addiction. Understand that it will take some time to resume your life after […]

The Benefits Of An Individualized Drug Detox Program

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

Drug addiction treatment is a long and stressful journey that demands a lot of effort, time, and willpower to overcome. The first step involves identifying your substance abuse disorder and accepting that you need professional residential treatment. However, it’s challenging to determine the best suitable program with various treatment options out there. Remember, you must […]

How Do I Stop Drinking Every Night?

Stop Drinking

Many people perceive drinking alcohol after work as a social activity and a mechanism to cope with stress. For many, it is a remedy to their anxiety or insomnia. However, the truth is that alcohol does not relieve you from these problems in the long run and rather comes with its disadvantages. Therefore, you should […]

What To Expect During Inpatient Alcohol And Drug Detox?

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

Going to an inpatient drug and alcohol detox center is essential in the recovery journey. It will help you overcome addiction and guide you towards a better and healthy life. When you enroll in an inpatient detox treatment and stay in it for the required time, you will stop consuming drugs and alcohol, decrease your […]

What Is Life Like After Drug Abuse?

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

Addiction can be as bad as not having the will to even get out of bed and experiencing cravings to consume drugs and alcohol all day. In such cases, you may even start questioning if you will ever be happy again in the future. While a drug and alcohol detox center and sobriety can open […]

The Importance of Community When You’re In Recovery

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

You might have completed your treatment program from the best alcohol rehab in Tennessee and believe that your addiction recovery journey is over. However, you are making a mistake if you think so. When the addiction treatment is over, the real journey starts. At such times, having a strong and healthy community around you can […]

Stress And Addiction: Coping In Recovery

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

Stress is one of the most significant contributing factors to a drug and alcohol addiction relapse. Those in recovery from addiction should know how to manage stress to prevent alcohol or drug relapse. Sometimes even minor things like having people ask you the same question or being late for work can result in stress. Even […]

4 Practical Tips For Staying Sober

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

Substance abuse treatment can be a long journey with many bumps along the way. Most people even relapse at some point after coming out of the best drug rehab in Tennessee. Therefore, achieving sobriety is no less than an accomplishment, but maintaining it can be challenging. You may perceive addiction relapse as an adverse condition. […]

What’s The Difference Between Binge Drinking And Alcoholism?

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

You might be familiar with the terms alcoholism and binge drinking. On the surface, both the terms appear similar because they involve excessive drinking. Therefore, many people use the two words interchangeably, but they are not the same. People struggling with alcoholism are most likely to indulge in binge drinking often. But, someone binge drinking […]

What Are The Symptoms Of Drug Abuse?

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

Not every addiction looks the same. You might have pictured addiction wrong all this while due to misleading information shared in movies or caricatures. Every person suffering from drug abuse may appear or behave differently. In fact, you may not even believe you or your loved one is suffering from addiction. Below, we have listed […]

7 Alcohol-Free Ways to Unwind at the End of a Long Day

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

As an adult, you may commonly associate alcohol consumption with relaxation. However, you might be drinking only to avoid stressful emotions and escape from those unwanted emotions and feelings. But, regular alcohol consumption can negatively impact your health. Fortunately, there are multiple ways to relax without consuming alcohol to improve your overall health. Below, we […]

How To Stay Sober In Early Recovery?

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

After putting in all the hard work and efforts in a rehab program, you would surely not want to relapse and go through it again. However, staying sober is a challenging lifelong process in which your cravings can take a toll on you and pose a hurdle during your recovery. Fortunately, you can follow many […]

What Foods to Eat When Detoxing from Alcohol

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

Detoxing from drugs or alcohol is the most challenging phase of your addiction recovery. Depending on the addiction levels and health conditions, the detoxification process affects every individual differently. However, ‌it is tough for everyone to cope with the withdrawal symptoms that can last for a few weeks. Keeping yourself hydrated and consuming the right […]