Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

201 Avalon Ave

Muscle Shoals, AL 35661

2201 W Lampasas St

Ennis, TX 75119

1265 E College St

Pulaski, TN 38478

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Recognizing the Signs and Dangers of Valium Addiction

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

Valium is a type of benzodiazepine medication that is often prescribed to treat twitches, muscle spasms, seizures, and anxiety. In some cases, it is also an effective treatment option for reducing the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Like many other prescription drugs, there is a risk of developing an addiction to Valium. Here is what you […]

Understanding Gabapentin Addiction in Pulaski, TN

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

Gabapentin, also known as Neurontin, is a type of medication that is used to treat seizures caused by epilepsy and neuropathy pain. It is also prescribed for several off-label uses, which means that it can help treat an array of conditions that are not yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Although this […]

Lexapro Side Effects and Addiction Information

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

Lexapro© is a type of medication that is generally prescribed to patients aged 12 and older to treat major depression. This medication is also taken for generalized anxiety disorder. Lexapro is a type of compound escitalopram that is classified as a type of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI).  Although this medication is not generally viewed […]

Benzo Detox: What Are Benzos?

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

While benzodiazepines are generally considered safe when used as directed, it’s important to note that long-term use can result in both physical and psychological dependence. It is important to understand the potential risks associated with this category of medications. By doing so, you can take the necessary steps to begin the process of benzo detox […]

How Long Does Percocet® Stay in Your Body?

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

Today, we are here to talk about a commonly prescribed medication: Percocet®. This medication contains an opioid pain reliever combined with a non-opioid pain reliever, and it is commonly prescribed to patients suffering from moderate to severe pain.  At Genesis Medical Detox, we understand the complications of drug addiction and offer comprehensive treatment modalities if […]

Benzo Detox: Are You Ready to Quit?

Tennessee Drug Detox, Alabama Drug Detox

Benzodiazepines, more commonly called benzos, are a type of medication prescribed to help relieve anxiety. However, they can be highly addictive, and quitting them can be difficult. This blog post is designed to help those who are ready for benzo detox to learn about the process and find support. If you or someone you know […]