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How Long Does Percocet® Stay in Your Body?

Today, we are here to talk about a commonly prescribed medication: Percocet®. This medication contains an opioid pain reliever combined with a non-opioid pain reliever, and it is commonly prescribed to patients suffering from moderate to severe pain. 

At Genesis Medical Detox, we understand the complications of drug addiction and offer comprehensive treatment modalities if you or a loved one are dealing with withdrawal and addiction. During this challenging time, it’s important to remain informed and get the support that you or a loved one need. Let’s get into the details of Percocet and how long it stays in your system. 

Discovering What Percocet Is

Percocet is a medication that combines two main ingredients: oxycodone, a potent opioid used to relieve pain, and acetaminophen, a typical pain reliever found in Tylenol. 

Percocet is often prescribed to manage severe and moderate pain after a car accident or minor surgery. The drug works by binding to specific receptors in the brain, spinal cord, and body, altering pain perception. 

Understanding If Percocet Can Be Abused

When Percocet is ingested, it causes a flow of dopamine to the brain that creates a sense of euphoria, which can render potential abuse and addiction surrounding the drug. Because the medication is popularly prescribed, abuse and illegal purchasing of the drug have been on the rise. 

If you or a loved one is prescribed Percocet, it’s important to inform your doctor if you are taking any other medications. It’s also important to be aware of the risks when combining Percocet with alcohol and marijuana or street drugs. Always be upfront with your prescriber about any concerns you may have. 

How Long Does Percocet Remain in the Body?

Understanding how long Percocet remains in your system is crucial for your well-being, and it is always important to take your prescription drugs exactly as prescribed. Let’s explore this with care:

  • Half-Life Insight: The half-life of a drug is the time it takes for half of it to leave your body.
  • Oxycodone’s Short Half-Life: Oxycodone in Percocet has a short half-life of about 3.2 to 4 hours.
  • Acetaminophen’s Similar Half-Life: Acetaminophen, the other component, shares a similar half-life of around three hours.
  • Duration of Percocet‘s Effects: Typically, Percocet’s effects last for four to six hours, so it’s often prescribed every four to six hours.
  • Complete Elimination Takes Time: Surprisingly, it takes approximately 19 hours for Percocet to be completely eliminated from your body.
  • Factors at Play: Kidney and liver function can influence how long Percocet lingers in your system.
  • Chronic Use Impact: In chronic, heavy users, Percocet  can accumulate in fatty tissues, which means it takes much longer to clear from these tissues compared to bodily fluids like blood and urine.

We understand that these nuances can be complex, and we’re here to offer support and guidance, especially if you or someone you know is facing challenges related to Percocet use. Your unique situation matters, and we’re committed to assisting you with compassion and care. Let’s continue to explore how long Percocet stays in your hair, blood, and urine. 

How Long Does Percocet Remain in Your Hair?

Percocet can be detected in hair follicles for up to 30 days. However, hair follicle tests are fairly uncommon and may only be used to detect heavy long-term abuse of the drug, and a short-term user test may come up inaccurate. 

How Long Does Percocet Remain in Your Blood?

For most people, Percocet will be out of their system within 24 hours. However, this isn’t always true for everyone. In some cases, traces of the drug may stay in your system for up to 3 days, so it is important to understand how long Percocet can remain in your bloodstream before taking the medication.

How Long Does Percocet Remain in Your Urine?

The duration of time during which Percocet is detectable in a person’s urine depends on a number of factors, including their body mass index (BMI), overall health, and how much of the medication was taken. Generally speaking, Percocet can be detected in urine for up to four days after the last dose.

What Factors Influence How Long Percocet Stays in the Body?

Several factors can impact how long Percocet lingers in your system:

  • Metabolism: Faster metabolism may lead to quicker elimination.
  • Liver function: A healthy liver is more efficient at processing the drug.
  • Hydration: Proper hydration can help flush it out faster.
  • Physical exercise: How often you stay active can impact how long the drug stays in your system.
  • Age: How old you are plays a factor in how fast the drug moves through your body. 
  • Dosage and duration: Higher doses and longer use may extend its presence.

What Are the Symptoms of Percocet Overdose?

Recognizing the symptoms of a Percocet overdose is crucial. If you or someone you love is going through any of the following symptoms, it’s time to reach out for help and begin drug detox. These symptoms can include:

  • Shallow breathing
  • Extreme drowsiness
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Loss of consciousness

Withdrawal Symptoms of Percocet 

If you or someone you know is struggling with Percocet addiction, withdrawal symptoms can be challenging. These may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Muscle pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sweating

Get the Addiction Treatment You Need at Genesis Medical Detox in Tennessee and Alabama

If you or a loved one is dealing with addiction to Percocet, we are here for you. Our facilities in Tennessee and Alabama provide you with a serene and calm environment for healing. We understand that this is a personalized and unique experience for each individual, and we take great care in getting you the help you need.

Our detox program can last anywhere between three and seven days. We are here to provide you with 24/7 monitoring while you go through your medical detox. After your medical detox, we’ll connect you with the ongoing care you need. Contact us today for mindful and monitored medical detox. We will help you create a blank slate for healing and finding what sets your heart at peace. 

Picture of Dr. John Windland, Md

Dr. John Windland, Md

Dr. John Windland, Md Is A Hospital Medicine Specialist In Pulaski, Tn And Has Over 21 Years Of Experience In The Medical Field. He Graduated From Southwest College Of Naturopathic Medicine health Sciences In 2001

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